Roach Control & Extermination

Roaches in and around your home can cause big problems. Like many other pests, they can carry diseases that impact humans, including gastrointestinal problems, dysentery and typhoid. In addition, many people are allergic to cockroach droppings. If you have spotted a cockroach in your home, call our team or schedule your FREE initial inspection below.

Contact Clegg’s for Cockroach Extermination

Cockroaches are often considered synonymous with garbage, dirt, and poor hygiene.  However, you can have a clean home and still have cockroaches scurrying around that have made their way in from outside. Cockroaches should be dealt with quickly, as they can cause problems for individuals and families. The habits in which they feed and nest cause them to easily ingest and carry/distribute a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms. These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites which can cause illnesses, contaminate food, and can harm you and your family. Some of the diseases roaches have been known to carry include:

  • Salmonella
  • E Coli
  • Typhoid Fever
  • Dysentery 
  • Leprosy
  • Plague 
  • Listeria
  • Other forms of gastroenteritis 

Roaches invade our homes and make those intimate spaces their own. No place is sacred, and you can have an unexpected (and unwelcome) visit opening the toilet in the middle of the day as soon as one in the kitchen when getting a midnight snack.  As disturbing physical embodiments of all things filthy, they show that for all of our attempts to fortify against dirt and disease, those efforts alone are often times ultimately futile. Even the cleanest homes can end up with a roach problem if any entry points exist, since roaches can live off of something as unimposing as the glue that seals a cardboard box for months at a time. Any organic matter is a potential food source, and once breeding begins, an infestation can happen in a matter of weeks. Don’t wait to get this problem fixed. 

If you have cockroaches, don’t live in fear! contact your local pest control heroes at Clegg’s today to learn how we can help eliminate the infestation once and for all. 


Types of Cockroaches in North Carolina

German Cockroach

German Cockroaches are about 1/2 inch long and tan brown. Their unique characteristic is the 2 stripes on the upper portion of their body. Usually found in warm area near a water source. They invade many homes and businesses by way of groceries (bags), boxes, and used appliances/furniture. Prefer dark and damp protected sites like cracks and voids.

Treatment begins with the pest expert identifying all potential home sites and then treating the active ones focusing in closely on cracks and voids.

American Cockroach

The American Cockroach is the largest of the 4 species shown here. They are up to 2 inches long and are red-brown in color. Their unique characteristic is that they have a yellow “figure-8″ on the upper portion of their body. Prefers warm, very damp areas such as sewers, crawlspaces, basements, & attics. When found outdoors, they are usually found in tree holes or wood piles (anything with heavy ground cover). In the South, American Cockroaches are usually found outdoors. Treatment is performed at the site in which they are inhabiting. American Cockroaches usually eat any insect bait that they encounter; they are not as picky of an eater as the German Cockroach when it comes to eating. Once treatment is complete there are several things a homeowner can do to control their cockroach population and here are a few examples: 1) Seal exterior cracks & holes  2) Remove pet food during night   3) Improve crawlspace & attic ventilation.

Smokybrown Cockroach

The Smokybrown Cockroach is up to 1 1/2 inches long and is a uniform mahogany color. This species is very similar to the American Cockroach. This species of cockroach lives in tree holes, wood piles, etc. When these cockroaches come inside the home it will be through the attic and crawlspace. This species of cockroach is also able to fly.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental Cockroach is about 1 inch long. The male species has brown wings that extend partway down its abdomen. The female species is black with no wings, only small wing pads. The Oriental Cockroach prefers dark, damp areas. This species is very common in basements and crawlspaces. During the summer months, this species moves outdoors and lives near wet areas. Treatment is very similar to that of the American Cockroach in that a dust is usually used and/or a granular bait to treat exterior voids & cracks as well as any active home sites around the structure. There are a few things that a homeowner can do to help prevent future infestations:

  1. Seal exterior cracks & holes
  2. Improve crawlspace ventilation
  3. Minimize ground covers near structure

If you have cockroaches, contact Clegg’s today to learn how we can help eliminate the infestation.


Cockroaches are sneaky little pests that do most of their traveling and feeding in the dark. This makes it a little more difficult to tell that you have a cockroach infestation. Cockroaches are attracted to your home by the three things every insect needs: water, food, and shelter. What better place to find all these things than in the cracks and crevasses of your house?

Cockroaches love to squeeze themselves into small and dark places so that they can lay their eggs and start a happy life for themselves. As exterminators, we have seen cockroaches scurry out of every place you can imagine in a kitchen. Cockroaches will live in your dishwasher if it is not used very often. You will occasionally spot one crawling out of your sink drain if you have an infestation. We have even seen cockroaches scurry out of electrical outlets in a kitchen wall!

Because cockroaches are so small, there’s no telling how many places there are for them to breach your home. When we perform cockroach control, this includes getting rid of all cockroaches currently living in your home, keeping them out, and setting traps to ensure that they won’t multiply if they ever have the chance of getting back in.


As professional cockroach exterminators, we have to know what to look for when inspecting a home. There are several indicators that you will come across when looking in places where cockroaches may be hanging around.


It may sound crazy, but cockroaches can actually make your home smell a certain way. If you do have a cockroach infestation in your home, you will be able to smell something off when you step into your home for the first time after being out for several hours. This is especially true if your kitchen is right next to the entrance of your home.

Cockroaches produce a odor that can be described as sweet, musty, or oily. If you have seen just one cockroach in your home, then start to smell something funny in the next few days, you may want to check for some of these other indicators.


cockroach nest isn’t a physical thing like a wasp or bird nest, it’s just a location where they hang out and live. You can spot a cockroach nest by noticing feces, eggs, or other cockroach remains.

Cockroaches will usually make their nests next to places that commonly have food laying around, like your kitchen. These nests can be hidden behind your refrigerator or dishwasher. They can also be in places like under your kitchen sink or in drawers and cabinets. If you spot something like this in your home, it might be time to call the pros.


Seeing a baby cockroach in your house is no good! If you start to see very small cockroaches that look like they could be recently born offspring, you should contact an exterminator right away. If you spot a baby cockroach, this means that the adult cockroaches have made your home theirs and are now reproducing. Once this starts happening, it’s not something that you can ignore.

Baby Cockroaches look similar to their adult counterparts but are much smaller in size. A cockroach egg will hatch several new roaches at once making them multiply at a considerable rate.

If you want to see how cockroaches lay their eggs and reproduce, you can watch the video below. Beware! if you are disturbed by cockroaches (they are quite repulsive) there are a lot in this video!


If you notice that you have spotted several of these indicators in your home recently, its time to reach out to the pros. If you are located in North Carolina and would like help with a cockroach infestation, please contact us as soon as possible!

Fill out the form below and we will inspect your home for free! If we notice that you do indeed have a roach problem, we will get to work right away.

Cockroach Control Service Areas in North Carolina

Clegg’s Pest Control is proud to provide local cockroach control solutions across North Carolina, including these areas:

Savings Opportunities

$39 OFF

Initial General Pest Control Service

Residential and new customers only. Must sign up for pest control maintenance plan. Must be 18 or older to redeem. Some restrictions may apply and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one per household. Call your local branch for more details.

15% OFF

Initial Bed Bug Control Services

Residential and New Customers Only. Call your local branch for details! Excludes Bedding Encasements. Some restrictions may apply and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one per household.

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Clegg's Locations

276-B Haywood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28806
1520 Industrial Center Cir.
Charlotte, NC 28213
205 Wall St.
Clinton, NC 28328
2401 Reichard St.
Durham, NC 27705
500 S. Eastern Blvd.
Fayetteville, NC 28301
864 Rivit St.
Greenville, NC 27834
740 Indeneer Dr.
Kernersville, NC 27284
Morehead City
2700 Bridges St.
Morehead City, NC 28557
New Bern
218 Kale Rd.
New Bern, NC 28562
3751 Bastion Ln.
Raleigh, NC 27604
1520 S. Brightleaf Blvd.
Smithfield, NC 27577
4075 Old Bridge Rd. SE
Southport, NC 28461
3417 Enterprise Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28405

Current Promotions

$39 OFF

Initial General Pest Control Service

Residential and new customers only. Must sign up for pest control maintenance plan. Must be 18 or older to redeem. Some restrictions may apply and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one per household. Call your local branch for more details.

$100 OFF

New Initial Termite Services

Some restrictions may apply and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one per household. Applies to new initial termite services only. Does not include termite reports for closings or termite pretreatment services. No cash value. Must be 18 or older to redeem

15% OFF

Initial Bed Bug Control Services

Residential and New Customers Only. Call your local branch for details! Excludes Bedding Encasements. Some restrictions may apply and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one per household.

15% OFF

Clegg's Military Discount

Are you a current or former member of our nation’s military? We would like to show our thanks and appreciation for your service in the form of a special discount on Clegg’s Pest Control services. Some restrictions may apply. Limit one per household.

$100 OFF

Initial Moisture Control Services

Some restrictions may apply and cannot be combined with any other offers. Limit one per household. Applies to initial moisture services only. No Cash Value. Must be 18 or older to redeem.

All Locations

Click on a location below to learn more about services, solutions, and pests in your area.

276-B Haywood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28806
1520 Industrial Center Cir.
Charlotte, NC 28213
205 Wall St.
Clinton, NC 28328
2401 Reichard St.
Durham, NC 27705
500 S. Eastern Blvd.
Fayetteville, NC 28301
864 Rivit St.
Greenville, NC 27834
740 Indeneer Dr.
Kernersville, NC 27284
2700 Bridges St.
Morehead City, NC 28557
218 Kale Rd.
New Bern, NC 28562
3751 Bastion Ln.
Raleigh, NC 27604
1520 S. Brightleaf Blvd.
Smithfield, NC 27577
4075 Old Bridge Rd. SE
Southport, NC 28461
3417 Enterprise Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28405

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We would love to talk with you about your pest problems. Whatever your needs we’re ready to help. Fill out the simple form below and we will be in touch soon.

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