This little black or dark brown bug earned its scary name from the way it kills its prey with repeated stabs of its weapon-like beak. Though this little pest is not deadly to humans, the bite of both juveniles and adults is extremely painful and it’s best not to attempt to handle one. Some members of the species, referred to as kissing or cone-nose bugs, live on the blood of mammals, including humans, and may cause allergic reactions or spread disease.
In order to avoid these painful pests, you need to know where they can be found and how they can invade your home. Learn more about assassin bugs below and call the professionals at Clegg’s Pest Control when you find yourself needing assassin bug control.
What Do Assassin Bugs Hunt?
Many assassin bugs can be found on garden plants, shrubs, and groundcover where they hunt for bugs, flies, bees, and caterpillars. Once they have caught an unsuspecting insect, they use powerful front legs to hold the insect down, immobilize it with a paralyzing toxin, stab it to death, and suck out its body fluids. Other assassin bugs, like the kissing bug, are blood-feeders, preying on mammals and humans.
Where Do Assassin Bugs Live?
Approximately 150 species of assassin bugs can be found throughout North America. One of the most prevalent is the wheel bug, notable for a notched crest atop the thorax. Over one inch long, the wheel bug pumps venomous saliva into the victim through one channel of its beak and pumps the prey’s digested body fluids to its stomach through another channel. These species will attack large insects like big caterpillars and grasshoppers.
Can Assassin Bugs Invade Your Home?
Some assassin bugs are known to infest homes and one of the most notorious of these is the blood-sucking cone-nose bug. These nocturnal insects may be attracted to the lights of a home, and while a single invader is not a problem, the presence of many adults or nymphs may suggest that you have a breeding problem. If cone-nose bugs find their way into your bed, you may wake with reddened areas on your face, hands, arms, feet, head, or trunk. The toxic bite of this nasty bug can cause faintness, vomiting, and possible allergic reactions.
Find Assassin Bug Control at Clegg’s Pest Control Today
Given how painful and annoying these bugs are, it’s important to keep them out of your home. If you suspect an infestation of these vicious little insects, contact Clegg’s online or via phone at 888-672-5344.